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This intervention will involve five diverse farmers located in different regions of Lebanon. These Farmers vary in production varieties and agricultural practices. The primary objective is to facilitate and assist them in transitioning to regenerative farming practices.


To achieve this goal, the farmers will receive ongoing support through consultations and operational assistance to ensure a smooth transition process.

The term "regenerative farming" refers to a holistic approach to agriculture that focuses on restoring and enhancing ecosystems while promoting sustainable farming practices. The intervention aims to help these farmers adopt regenerative techniques, such as cover cropping,rotational grazing, agroforestry, and reduced chemical inputs, among others.

By working with the farmers on a regular basis, the intervention team can better understand their unique challenges and tailor solutions to their specific needs. The support provided will encompass technical guidance, access to resources, and knowledge-sharing sessions to build their capacity and confidence in adopting regenerative methods.


The geographic spread of the selected farmers is essential, as it allows for the exchange of experiences and practices across different regions in Lebanon. This exchange will contribute to the creation of a supportive network of regenerative farmers who can learn from one another and
foster the dissemination of best practices.


Throughout the intervention, the focus will be on promoting long-term sustainability, improving soil health, conserving water resources, and enhancing biodiversity. Moreover, the project will monitor and evaluate the progress made by each farmer, enabling the team to identify any potential
challenges and make necessary adjustments to the support provided.


Naji Kashi, Akkar

Wadih Mahfouz, Jbeil



The first phase of the intervention will take place from August 2023 until December 2023. It will involve several key steps to improve the soil and productivity of the farmlands. The process will be as follows:

1. Soil Sample Collection and Analysis:

We will begin by collecting soil samples from various locations on the farm to gather essential data about the soil condition and its specific needs.

2. Cover Crop Recommendation:

Based on the data obtained from the soil analysis and considering the type of farming operation, location, and desired production goals of the farmer, we will provide a list of suitable cover crops. These cover crops will help enhance soil health, prevent erosion, and improve fertility during their growth cycle.

3. Design and Planning:

Following the cover crop selection, we will engage in a thoughtful design process. This step involves planning the incorporation of new elements on the farm, such as different farming techniques, advanced agricultural inputs, and necessary products.

4. Nursing Crop and Perennial Selection:

Next, we will carefully choose specific types of nursing crops and perennial plants to be strategically planted throughout the farm. These crops will serve multiple purposes: attracting beneficial insects for natural pest control and providing an additional source of income for the farmer through their sale or use.

5. Crops Follow-Up and Integrated Pest Management (IPM):

After implementing the nursing cropsand perennials, we will conduct regular follow-up visits to monitor the progress of the crops and their impact on the farm's ecosystem. This follow-up process will include assessing the growth and health of the cover crops and perennials, as well as observing their ability to attract beneficial insects and improve soil conditions.

During these follow-up visits, we will also implement Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies. IPM is a holistic approach to pest control that focuses on replacing the use of synthetic pesticides with natural predators and preventive measures to manage pests effectively. By closely monitoring pest populations and using targeted and environmentally friendly methods, we can maintain a balance between pests and their natural enemies without causing harm to the ecosystem.

By implementing these steps during the first phase, we aim to create a more sustainable and productive farming system that optimizes soil health, increases biodiversity, and benefits both the environment and the farmer's livelihood. Continuous monitoring and adaptation will be essential in ensuring the success and effectiveness of the intervention throughout the process.


Stage 1, spanning five months from August to December, focused on delivering support and monitoring services to five farmers situated in Magdhoushe, Awaynat, Baatouta, and Jbeil. Our primary objective during this stage was to aid these farmers in their transition to sustainable agriculture. We provided technical support for their ongoing  operations while simultaneously designing and overseeing the implementation of expansion projects on their farms.

The results of Stage 1 have not only met but exceeded our initial goals. The commitment demonstrated by the farmers, coupled with the tangible improvements already evident in the overall status of their farms, underscores the success of our efforts. During the intervention, we successfully negotiated agreements with all the farmers, outlining key upgrades that need to be implemented on their farms. These agreements aim to bring the farms up to standard, reflecting a collective commitment to enhance and optimize agricultural practices. Importantly, these upgrades are tailored to the financial capabilities of each farmer, ensuring that the proposed improvements are not only technically feasible but also economically viable for every individual farm.

The collaborative efforts between our team and the farmers have paved the way for a structured approach to implementing necessary improvements, aligning each farm with established standards for sustainable agriculture in a financially responsible manner.

This achievement marks a significant step forward in our mission to foster positive change and sustainable development within the farming communities we serve.


Jihad Osta, Maghdoushe

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Wadih Mahfouz, Jbeil

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