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Phone/Web Consultations
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Farm Groups Consultation
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Phone/Web Consultations
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Farm Groups Consultation
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Scarabée Regenerative
Regenerative Agriculture ~ Lebanon
We are working to share Regenerative Agriculture principles and practices as the most cost-effective solution to the food and economic crisis In Lebanon.
By helping farmers afford the transition away from a costly synthetic agriculture, we reduce the input costs of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and fuel for mechanized equipment, so they become more profitable. And by building healthy soils, farmers produce abundant nutritious foods further benefiting them and the communities they feed.
After suspending our work in the aftermath of the August 4th 2020 explosion, Scarabée Regenerative relaunched its initiative in Lebanon August 2023 with Lebanon Farm Projects.
Because of the aftermath of the war between Israel and Hezbollah in October 2023, making hard to continue our work, we created RFGC.lb, in November 2024, a regenerative farming and gardening consultancy.
Depending on the success of our efforts in Lebanon, we would love to expand into neighboring countries.
Our Initial Focus In Lebanon:
Joining the local conversation in ecological agriculture.
Introducing farmers and gardeners to Regenerative Agriculture principles and practices with our website content.
Transitioning farms to Regenerative Agriculture practices.
Raising funds to help struggling farmers transition to a healthier agriculture.
On Site Consultation/Management
Farm Groups Consultation
In Lebanon
The once Fertile Crescent, reduced to a degraded and eroded landscape, is but a mere shadow of its ancient self. Centuries of tillage and overgrazing, combined with the last seventy years of mechanized, synthetic agriculture has led to the loss of arable lands, the toxification of soils and water supplies.
Compromised agricultural systems unable to feed societies, have triggered severe food insecurity, hunger, and malnutrition in the region. This in turn, aggravates the already volatile social and political situation, and fuels migrations to Northern countries, exacerbating refugee crises in Europe. Syria's dire prospects has driven 1.5 millions refuges into Lebanon, adding to the local widespread poverty and fomenting anti-refugee rhetoric.
The collapse of the banking sector in Lebanon, with 98% inflation of the local currency as of Feb 2023, the seemingly unending political deadlock and the collapse of public services have compounded untenable living conditions, plunging many Lebanese towards famine. "Many families cannot afford the quantity and variety of food they require, and additionally cannot afford the expenses involved in getting health treatment."(UNICEF) This once fertile country is currently unable to feed itself.
Regenerative Agriculture
Regenerative Organic Agriculture is humanity’s chance to restore balance to the planet. It describes a set of farming and grazing practices aimed at reviving pasture and agricultural lands, by focusing on soil health. Regenerating depleted soils increases food production and the nutritional content of crops.
The principles of Regenerative Agriculture are universally applicable and include: agroforestry, silvopasture, conservation tillage, maximized crop diversity, perennial plantings, crop rotation, in farm fertility, livestock integration and managed grazing. Farm practices always work towards these goals and are context specific — varying depending on region, soil, crops and climate.
Regenerative Agriculture practices build soils by increasing soil organic matter and in the process, ecosystem biodiversity is restored, water cycles are filtered and replenished, and carbon dioxide is sequestered. The benefits on society and the planet are overreaching. Practices such as agroecology alone "can simultaneously increase farm productivity and food security, improve incomes and rural livelihoods, and reverse the trend towards species loss and genetic erosion." (UN)
Supporting Organizations
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